2019 Fall Festival
Our 2019 Fall Festival is in the books and we took it to the next level this year! With several displays and an auto extrication demo. If you came out to see us we hope you had fun!
5 years since…
It is hard to fathom that five years ago today we lost Major Malcolm Jenkins. Our beloved training officer and mentor will never be forgotten. His memory is kept alive everyday as we pass his knowledge from one person to the next.
Major Malcolm Jenkins
Last call: Oct. 30th, 2014
Remembering Eric
Ten years ago we lost one of our own, Capt. Eric Hampton.
1/6/77 – 9/27/09
His memory lives on thru our members, and in that he will never be forgotten.
FCFD joins FCHS for “Academys of Louisville”
We are proud to partner with Fern Creek High School as they join the “Academies of Louisville.” This amazing program helps to prepare students for careers in several different fields. As a partner, FCFD will help prepare high school students for a career in firefighting.
September 11th
18 years ago our country was attacked, costing the lives of nearly 3,000 of our citizens. Among the dead were 343 of New York’s finest firefighters. Today, we renew our pledge to “Never Forget” those you gave their lives trying to save others. Every time we get a call we know that it could be our last. Let us respond with all the courage and dedication that those 343 souls.