YOU are essential to US.

The past six weeks have been a very difficult struggle for so many people in our community. During this time, the amount of support and generosity we have seen, has been nothing short of astonishing. We have been provided with food nearly every day since the start. Boxes of handmade masks were given to us when our supplies ran short. People have dropped off cases of water, sent cards, and even offered to buy our groceries. There are simply too many individuals and companies to list, who have supported us in some way. We cannot begin to thank everyone enough for what you have done. During a time of so much uncertainty; it has become unmistakably clear that we could not do what we do without the kindness, love, and generosity of our community. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Praying for LMEMS

Our thoughts and prayers are with our brothers and sisters at LMEMS and all involved in the motor vehicle accident today. Praying for the injured and wish for a speedy recovery.

How its made: Braun Ambulances

Now that our ambulances have hit the road we thought you would like to see how they are built. Braun Ambulance & Penn Care designed and built us three amazing units. While touring the plant it was evident just how much their employees cared about the work they are doing. 


Be the Match!

Last week some members participated in “Be the Match.” With a simple swab of the cheek our members became part of a national donor database. This database is used to match potential donors and patients. 

About Be The Match

For the thousands of people diagnosed every year with life-threatening blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, a cure exists. Over the past 30 years Be The Match ® , operated by the National Marrow Donor Program ®  (NMDP), has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world. We work every day to save lives through transplant.

To learn more about Be The Match, visit the link below.

We want you to know…

The Fern Creek Fire Department wants the public to know that in the midst of the current public health emergency due to COVID-19 concerns, our firefighters remain ready at our stations to respond to emergency calls.

It is business as usual for our department. We still have to protect the public and get fire trucks out the door. We join the city in a proactive stance when it comes to widespread prevention efforts as we serve the citizens during this time.

Emergency response is the department’s primary duty and responsibility. To that end, all efforts will be made to ensure staffing, response, and coverage are maintained for all citizens.

FCFD will continue to provide response and mitigation for all types of incidents. This includes response to fires, EMS-related calls, rescues, and citizen-assists.

Our message right now as we carry on our duties is to be more vigilant in our personal care and interactions with the public, following all health guidelines set forth by local, state and federal officials.

St. Gabriel Visits FCFD

On Sunday 1st platoon got a visit from kids from St. Gabriel Catholic Church. St. Gabriel’s “Kids Called to Serve” group is a youth group that does community service projects around our community. This Sunday they made cards and goody bags, then brought them to our firefighters. Along with some very thoughtful gifts. To show our appreciation got a tour of the firehouse and got to check out the trucks and ambulance. 

We would like to give a big thank you to the “Kids Called to Serve” group, their leaders, and their parents for being kind enough to bring us these special gifts.

Mourning with LFR


Our condolences go out to the families involved in yesterday’s tragedy involving 4 Louisville women. To the Louisville Fire Dept, our hearts are truly broken and words cannot express our shock as we mourn the loss of a sister in the fire service.

Mid Build Inspection Trip

Recently, members from our apparatus committee traveled to Pennsylvania to do a mid-build inspection on our new engine company. Here is a quick look into what goes into building a firetruck.


2020 Scholarship Applications

We are currently accepting application for our 2020 Firefighter Scholarship. This is an up to $1,000  per year scholarship renewable for up to four years. Below you will find a link containing all the necessary information on the award and how to apply. All submissions are due by March 1st, 2020.

Scholarship Info

Hiring Update

EMS maltese

Submitting an application just got easier

Applications can now be completed electronically. Simply download the application, fill it out, and email it back to us. Click the link below for the new application and a full set of instructions.

New Application