Volunteer Recruit Academy



Fern Creek Fire & EMS will be starting a volunteer firefighter academy this February. Take your first steps towards a career in firefighting apply today! Application process closes January 31st.

Jan 2021 BOT Meeting

FC Fire & EMS

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent declarations of national and state of emergencies, no physical location for the public will be provided except for members of the board and essential employees.   The meeting of this board is forced to be held via video teleconference using Gotomeeting.com via access code 519-137-621.   A meeting invitation has been sent to each individual board member.  

The Public is invited to attend via video conferencing, https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/519137621 or via telephone by calling 1-872-240-3311.   Access Code: 519-137-621 

Christmas 2020

Hiring & Promotion Ceremony

As we honor those members who were recently hired of promoted we understand that not everyone can attend in person due to COVID-19 restrictions. We invite you go join us virtually threw the GoToMeeting link below. Our Ceremonies will start each night at 6pm. Please get with your loved one to figure out which day they are being honored. We look forward to having you celebrate with us! 

Hiring and Promotion Ceremony

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 802-495-805

New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/802495805

Zoneton FD

Fern Creek FD is mouring with our friends at the Zoneton Fire Department as they say Goodbye to their Chief. Chief Rob Orkies lost his battle with Cancer and Covid-19 on December 11th. Chief Orkies served his community for 36 years and lead his department in a way that few others will ever be able to match. 

Dec. 2020: BOT Meeting

FC Fire & EMS

December Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, 12/14/2020 at 7:00 PM

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent declarations of national and state of emergencies, no physical location for the public will be provided except for members of the board and essential employees.   The meeting of this board is forced to be held via video teleconference using Gotomeeting.com via access code 837112965. A meeting invitation has been sent to each individual board member.

  The Public is invited to attend via video conferencing,


or via telephone by calling 1-646-749-3112   

Access Code: 837112965. 

Veterans Day 2020

Halloween Event

Command Promotions


At our October Board of Trustees meeting the district promoted Lt. Col Scott Evans to Deputy Chief, and Captain Ben Neal to Major. These two men bring great leadership to our command staff! With their hard work and dedication they will continue to help grown our department and provide a better service for the community.

Patriots Day 2020: We will never forget!

Another 9/11 in the firehouse. Today marks 19 years since the September 11th attacks. Spending this day in a firehouse is a sobering event. The day starts like many others with coffee and news from the off going shift. But as the sun begins to rise we make our way out front. Lowering the flag to half mast and taking a moment of silence to remembers all those lives lost 19 years ago. Cars drive by as life continues, but not for us, not today. For us, this day serves as a reminder, and a time to rededicate ourselves. 343 firefighters lost their lives in New York that day, and on 9/12 those remaining got back on the truck. Our service never stops! Across the country fire companies will answer calls for help baring 9/11 stickers and decals, and with 343 souls watching over them.