Jan 2021 BOT Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent declarations of national and state of emergencies, no physical location for the public will be provided except for members of the board and essential employees.   The meeting of this board is forced to be held via…

Christmas 2020

Hiring & Promotion Ceremony

As we honor those members who were recently hired of promoted we understand that not everyone can attend in person due to COVID-19 restrictions. We invite you go join us virtually threw the GoToMeeting link below. Our Ceremonies will start each night at 6pm….

Zoneton FD

Fern Creek FD is mouring with our friends at the Zoneton Fire Department as they say Goodbye to their Chief. Chief Rob Orkies lost his battle with Cancer and Covid-19 on December 11th. Chief Orkies served his community for 36 years and lead his…

Dec. 2020: BOT Meeting

December Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, 12/14/2020 at 7:00 PM Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent declarations of national and state of emergencies, no physical location for the public will be provided except for members of the board and essential employees.   The…

Veterans Day 2020

Halloween Event

Command Promotions

Congratulations At our October Board of Trustees meeting the district promoted Lt. Col Scott Evans to Deputy Chief, and Captain Ben Neal to Major. These two men bring great leadership to our command staff! With their hard work and dedication they will continue to…

Patriots Day 2020: We will never forget!

Another 9/11 in the firehouse. Today marks 19 years since the September 11th attacks. Spending this day in a firehouse is a sobering event. The day starts like many others with coffee and news from the off going shift. But as the sun begins…

Major Newman Retires

On September 1st Major Todd Newman retired after serving the community of Fern Creek for 37 years. Major Newman joined the department in 1983 and promoted through the ranks, ultimately becoming a Major of Health & Safety. Todd also served as a member of…